NEW YEAR: Reflect, Learn, and Grow . . . Then Repeat!


If you’re like me, I’m always thinking! With the New Year fast approaching, my “thinking” is kicked into high gear! We all do it, some of us more than others. We think about our past and what went right, what went wrong, and everything in between. We think, and think . . . about EVERYTHING! In fact the average person has between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day! It’s hard to believe, right?

This new year however, I am challenging you to try something different. Let’s REFLECT instead. Reflection is analyzing our experiences. This allows us to make changes based on our mistakes, keep doing what is successful, and build upon or modify past knowledge based on new knowledge. It’s really quite simple, but don’t get me wrong, I am still a work in progress. I find that the more I reflect however; my life’s mental picture becomes clearer. This in turn acts as a compass on how to move forward with my life. Through this process in 2016, I learned . . .

That things don’t always turn out the way you’ve planned or think they should go. TRUST the process! I learned that joy and sorrow are a state of mind. I learned that we grow the most through our adversities and that they are a necessary part of life. I learned being STILL feeds the soul. That stress and worry are a WASTE of time. I learned that people come into our lives to help us or to teach us something. I learned to trust God and that He has a plan for our lives. I learned that our families ARE our greatest blessings. I learned that you could always find something to be grateful for so pay close attention. I learned that you don’t need to chase people. The ones that want to be in your life will make the effort. I learned to live in the HERE AND NOW because tomorrow is not promised. I learned that your children are 50% what you taught them and 50% who they were born to be (percentages may vary). I learned that people change for two reasons, either their minds have been opened, OR their hearts have been broken. I learned to NURTURE your body and mind, because you can’t give what you don’t have. I learned that you cannot change anyone; they FIRST have to want to change themselves. I learned that friends are the cherries on top of our cake. That life is full of LESSONS, so remain open. I learned that just like our human families, dogs give unconditional love when you need it most. I learned that change is the only constant and that our circumstances can change in a second. I learned to always be HOPEFUL. I learned that our words have power, so use them wisely. I learned to BE NICE to every one because you never know what battle someone might be going through. I learned to follow your PASSION. I learned that LOVE is the most powerful emotion you can show others, so don’t be afraid to show it . . . often!

Life is a journey! Reflect, Learn, and Grow . . . Then Repeat! After all, we CANNOT become what we need to be by REMAINING what we are.

All the BEST for the NEW YEAR and beyond!

14 thoughts on “NEW YEAR: Reflect, Learn, and Grow . . . Then Repeat!

  1. Awesome sister! I’m so proud of you. I thank the Lord Most High for all the talent He has deposited into your life. Keep using it to edifying others, cause it is a great feeling to be able to edifying someone’s life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yami I’m so proud of you ! I thank God
    For the talent that he has give you
    And for the opportunity to share with others. I’m also bless for been your Sister
    I never never would imagen when you were just a little baby and I had you in
    My arms that this little person will come
    To this world to give so much peace
    And good lesson of life in the oldest
    Years when I need the must.
    Thanks God first and Mom and Dad.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All of it So So True and Inspiring My Friend ! What a gift you have and thank you for sharing it .. All the best for the New Year Starting and Ending with Him ☝️️☝️️☝️️Tqmmmm


  4. Pingback: What IS “That One” Lesson That Has Taken You The Longest Time To Learn? | FAITH | LOVE | SOUL

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