Four Things You Can’t Recover!



 The stone . . . after the throw.

 The word . . . after it’s said.

 The occasion . . . after it’s missed.

 The time . . . after it’s gone.

Regret! We’ve all toiled with this word.  Whether it’s over a period of months, years, OR whether it’s immediate.  We’ve all felt regret at one point or another.


I recently read an article of a man that lived across the street from a junkyard and painted on the wall facing the street it said “Take the stones they throw at you and use them to build your castle.”

Let’s begin to FOCUS not on what’s been broken, but rather what we can make anew.  And although it is a fact that we cannot take that stone back.  It is never too late to apologize to someone or to forgive ourselves for throwing a stone in someone’s yard that should’ve remained in ours.


 Ahhh Words!  We were given this gift to be able to express ourselves.  But this gift comes with immense responsibility!

In the past I’ve said that “Our words have great power!”  With just ONE word, we can build others up or we can quickly tear them down.  Words can heal or they can cut.

Have you ever said something and IMMEDIATELY thought, “Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have said that!”  I’ve learned to be careful when choosing my words and think things through BEFORE saying them.  Because once your words are out, there is no rewind button.  BEFORE saying something, ask yourself, “Am I helping, or am I hurting?” . . . Then PROCEED or NOT.


 An occasion is a “MOMENT IN TIME.”  It is an event that has a beginning and an end.  And yes, we’ve all experienced THAT occasion that for some reason we weren’t able to attend. Maybe we had a prior commitment.  But what about that ONE OCCASION that we initially planned on attending and then life happened.  And so, we missed it.   Honestly speaking, time is fleeting.  It goes by quickly.  Don’t miss THAT moment, THAT event!  You will never know how THAT ONE OCCASION can have the POWER to change the trajectory of your life!


There is SO MUCH I can say about time!  We all know how very precious it is and how quickly it goes!  We can see this more clearly for those of us who have watched our children grow.  In what seems to be “the blink of an eye” they go from being toddlers to young adults!  And you ask yourself, “How in the world did time go by so fast?”  Well, guess what, it did!

The difficult reality about time is once it’s gone, it’s GONE!

So, I’ve learned to make the MOST of my time. Forget what others might think.  They are not living YOUR journey!

Moving forward, my HOPE for you is that your regrets become FEWER and that your happiness GROWS exponentially!

LIFE IS TOO SHORT to spend doing anything other than what fills your soul with PEACE, LOVE, and MUCH JOY!

Remember that our days are LONG.

BUT our years are SHORT!



36 thoughts on “Four Things You Can’t Recover!

  1. Reblogged this on Witty Mummy and commented:
    So, I’ve learned to make the MOST of my time. Forget what others might think. They are not living YOUR journey!

    Moving forward, my HOPE for you is that your regrets become FEWER and that your happiness GROWS exponentially!

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT to spend doing anything other than what fills your soul with PEACE, LOVE, and MUCH JOY!

    Remember that our days are LONG.

    BUT our years are SHORT!

    Liked by 1 person

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