Coming to Fruition

I finally turned the page to a new chapter when two weeks ago, I began hosting a women’s bible study group.


Perhaps you might be thinking, well what’s the big deal?  But you know what, to me it is a very big deal!  Some time ago, God placed the burden in my heart to start a bible study group in my home.  And truthfully, I was ready and so hyped to get the plans rolling, until I got in my own way, that is.

It all began with a small whisper. “What in the world are you thinking?” they said.  And like any willing Christian, of course, I ignored it.  But then those dang whispers got louder and more frequent.  I heard, “You’re not qualified.”  “You don’t have much understanding of the bible.”   And I specifically remember the very last thing I heard, “Are you kidding me? No one will come!!!!”

And so, that was the last straw. I believed the lies. I let fear win and I did nothing! And if that’s not bad enough, the worst part was I ignored God’s request.  I knew there was a reason why He placed this burden in my heart, yet I stopped and back peddled.

For the next year, I wrestled with the idea, going back and forth, convincing myself not to begin, certain that the lies I heard were the truth.

But as I rang in 2019, I made the bold decision to put an end to my self-doubting and insecurities and I moved forward with the plans.

Today I am happy to say marks two weeks since I began my teeny, tiny bible study group comprised of 4 women and I’m one of them!  But I’m humbled, grateful, and joyful.  We are all learning from each other, studying God’s word together, and sharing our experiences in an easy and non-threatening space.  But the thing that brings me the most joy is the fact that I am finally doing what God asked of me, and what He placed in my heart a year ago has finally come to fruition.

10 thoughts on “Coming to Fruition

  1. Wow, you and I just experienced the same thing. God nudging us to lead a Bible study for a long time and hearing those niggling little thoughts like “who do you think you are, leading Bible studies?” Oh yes. I heard them too. But I’m so very proud of both of us for obeying God’s voice instead. I just started mine three weeks ago today. You and the folks in your group will learn so much. Be blessed!!

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  2. Your post is inspirational! After reading your post I sense the tug from the Lord, to proceed with the calling that He has placed on my heart a year ago as well. I too, didn’t listen to the lies at first then the lies become more frequent and the doubt set in and here I am just starting at the start line to begin fulfilling the call God placed upon my heart. The reason I am mentioning this is because your post inspired me to push forward for God.

    May God bring forth blessings through your continued obedience. Because the harvest field is huge but the workers are lite

    Luke 10:2
    He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

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  3. This post made me smile. The reward for your obedience will yield much fruit. The size of the group isn’t important; the impact on all of you and those you touch is what matters. Watch him multiple all that has been filtered through his hands. Blessings! 🦋

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